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Artist Series: Phaser

For our most recent installment of the Artist Series, we catch up with Uptown NYC based artist, Andrew Godreaux aka 'Phaser' at his home studio and shares some of his work.

All photographs captured by Kevin Horvath
Check out more from Phaser

Only NY: Who are you and where did you grow up?

Phaser: My name is Andrew Godreaux aka Phaser. I’m an interdisciplinary artist born and raised in Uptown, New York City. I grew up mostly in Harlem, but also in Washington Heights and Inwood.

Only NY: What do you write and how'd you come to choose that name?

Phaser: I chose the artist name Phaser in 2014, when I first created an Instagram for posting photography. At the time, I didn't know much about graffiti but I just thought the Instagram handle was clean and Phaser was a cool name. A couple years later, I began learning a lot about the history of graffiti and realized my artist name was very similar to the legendary Phase 2, may he rest in peace. I have been inspired by many of Phase 2's works, and I have nothing but respect for him and his family.

Only NY: What was the main thing that drew you into writing graffiti?

Phaser: The main thing that drew me into writing graffiti was my older brother. We never really saw eye to eye until we both discovered our passion for art together. He’s been a big inspiration since I started creating and I'm grateful to him for sharing those experiences with me. I was documenting him and the graffiti scene for a while before I decided to start writing graffiti myself. To sum up what has drawn me into graffiti, I would say it’s the creativity and resourcefulness that comes with hitting spots from start to end.

The adrenaline you feel when you're painting a heaven spot that you will admire for years to come. The spontaneity of not knowing where the night will take you. The good and bad times with friends that will create memories that last a lifetime. And lastly, the challenge of getting over without anyone ever knowing you were even there.

Only NY: What do you feel is important to you from a style standpoint?

Phaser: I believe style comes from who you are as a person. You can and will gather inspiration from other artists in your lifetime but the moment that you decide to create something of your own, that's you creating in your own style. Personally, I'll always try to stand out or do something differently than others.

Only NY: How has New York shaped you?

Phaser: New York City has shaped me in many ways and I'm extremely grateful to be able to call this place my home. The energy and pace of New York City has pushed me to work harder, take risks, and persist in pursuing my goals no matter what anybody thinks. I have drawn so much inspiration from the diverse cultures of the city; every block is different and every person even more different. I'm very observant and I always try to be present in the moment because there is so much happening all around us at all times. Some people say this place is rude and shitty but to be honest, they're just soft!

Only NY: Anything else you want the people to know?

Phaser: I want to encourage people to be themselves. Regardless of your background or experiences, we're all gonna die one day and you'll be remembered by the impact you had on others. You only get one life, make it a great one.